How old is Sterling now?

27 years (December 8, 1994)Raheem Sterling / Age

What position does Sterling play for Man City?

ForwardRaheem Sterling / PositionForwards are the players on an association football team who play nearest to the opposing team’s goal, and are therefore most responsible for scoring goals. Their advanced position and limited defensive responsibilities mean forwards normally score more goals on behalf of their team than other players. Wikipedia

Which country is Raheem Sterling?

English Jamaican Raheem Sterling/Nationality

Is Raheem Sterling left or right footed?

Role at Manchester City Sterling makes most of his appearances on City's left, where with his improved shooting after cutting infield and on to his right foot he has become more dangerous.

Does Raheem Sterling have a brother?

Kingston SterlingRaheem Sterling / Brother

Who does Raheem Sterling play for 2021?


Manchester City2020–21Premier League
2021–22Premier League

Is Raheem Sterling a British citizen?

Sterling's case is in contrast to this really straightforward. He was born in Jamaica but grew up from an early age in England playing all his football in England and has British citizenship.

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