What is install sh?

The Centrify Agent installation script, install.sh, is a shell script that you can run interactively or configure to run silently on any supported UNIX, Linux, or Mac OS X computer. You can use the install.sh shell script to upgrade any installed Centrify software except Centrify sudo.

What is the command for install in Linux?

install command is used to copy files and set attributes. It is used to copy files to a destination of the user's choice, If the user want to download and install a ready to use package on GNU/Linux system then he should use apt-get, apt, yum, etc depending on their distribution.

How do I run a .sh file in Ubuntu?

Right-click the . sh file and make it executable. Open a terminal ( Ctrl + Alt + T ). Drag the ….If all else fails:

  1. Open terminal.
  2. Open the folder containing the . sh file.
  3. Drag and drop the file into the terminal window.
  4. The file's path appears in terminal. Press Enter .
  5. Voila, your . sh file is run.

How do I run a Linux install file?


  1. Find the . run file in the File Browser.
  2. Right-click the file and select Properties.
  3. Under the Permissions tab, make sure that Allow executing file as program is ticked and press Close.
  4. Double-click the . run file to open it. …
  5. Press Run in Terminal to run the installer.
  6. A Terminal window will open.


How do I run main sh?

Type your user password and hit Enter to execute the . SH file. You can also use su command to login with superuser and execute the . SH file.

What is sh file in Linux?

An SH file is a script programmed for bash, a type of Unix shell (Bourne-Again SHell). It contains instructions written in the Bash language and can be executed by typing text commands within the shell's command-line interface.

How do I install sh?

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  1. Download and extract the package.
  2. Open a terminal window.
  3. Go to the folder that contains the "install.sh" file.
  4. Use "chmod +x" to make "install.sh" executable.
  5. Type "bash install.sh" and press Enter.
  6. Enter the root password and follow the on-screen instructions.


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