Is journal of Higher education Theory and Practice legitimate?

The Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice (JHETP) is dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of academic and intellectual knowledge by publishing, through a blind, refereed process, ongoing results of research in accordance with international scientific or scholarly standards.

Is ERIC credible?

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, it is an essential tool for education researchers of all kinds.

How do I get ERIC indexed?

What is the process for getting materials indexed in ERIC? When ERIC and a publisher have an agreement in place, the ERIC team acquires the content and creates a bibliographic record with an abstract for each document or journal article. Records for newly indexed content are regularly added to the collection.

Which periodicals are indexed in ERIC?

Starting with Volume I, “Journal of Curriculum and Teaching” as well as “World Journal of Education” is now indexed on ERIC. ERIC is a premier digital index or database for education research and information, which is administered through the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences.

Is Adult Education Quarterly peer reviewed?

Adult Education Quarterly (AEQ) is a quarterly scholarly refereed journal committed to advancing the understanding and practice of adult and continuing education.

Who runs ERIC?

the Institute of Education Sciences ERIC is an internet-based digital library of education research and information sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.

Is ERIC peer reviewed?

Our association has a non-journal agreement with ERIC and our papers go through a peer-review process. … The peer-review designation may be assigned to ERIC records for all of your content, or for a specific series or type of publication. If your application is approved, you will receive a countersigned form.

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