Degumming Silk Cocoons: Degumming is the process of removing the sericin, a sticky substance produced by the silkworm that holds the strands of silk together. It is also known as silk scouring. Removing the gum improves the lusture, color, hand, and texture of the silk. Degumming is the process of removing the sericin, a sticky substance produced by the silkworm that holds the strands of silk together. It is also known as silk scouring. Removing the gum improves the lusture, color, hand, and texture of the silk.01-Jan-2013

What is degumming in silk?

Degumming of silk involves the cleavage of peptide bonds of sericin, either by hydrolytic or enzymatic methods, and the subsequent removal of sericin from the silk fibroin. Hydrolysis of sericin can be carried out under neutral, alkaline or acidic conditions to give four fractions, each having different properties.

How do you Degum silk yarn?

Degumming is effected by careful boiling-off in soap baths which should be slightly alkaline. The fibre is treated with soap solution to give a pH around 10.0 at 90-95 deg celcius for 1.5-2 h.

Which chemical is required for degumming of silk?

sericin Penicillium Enzymes for the Textile Industry Degumming of silk involves the cleavage of peptide bonds of sericin, a proteinaceous substance that covers the fiber either by hydrolytic or enzymatic methods and the subsequent removal of sericin from the silk fibroin.

Why is silk degummed?

Degumming is the process of removing the sericin, or silk gum, from silk. Removing the gum improves the sheen, color, hand, and texture of the silk. Because the gum can serve as a protective layer, it is typically left on the silk until it is ready to dye.

Why degumming is done?

The main purpose of degumming is to remove the Phospholipids / Gums from the crude vegetable oils. There are generally two different types of phospholipids present in the crude oil depending upon their hydration levels: Hydratable or Water Degumming.

What does degumming mean?

Water refining, usually called degumming, consists of treating the natural oil with a small amount of water, followed by centrifugal separation. The process is applied to many oils that contain phospholipids in significant amounts.

How do you Degum a silk cocoon?

How Are Silk Cocoons Degummed?

  1. Fill a vessel with water and bring to boil. The quantity of water depends on the quantity of cocoons you want to degum.
  2. Add ½ cup of an alkaline soap for 100 cocoons. Do not use detergent.
  3. Simmer for an hour or so. …
  4. Wash the cocoons till water runs clear.


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