What happened on 28 February in Turkey?

The 1997 military memorandum (Turkish: 28 Şubat, "28 February"; also called Post-modern darbe, "Post-modern coup") in Turkey refers to the decisions issued by the Turkish military leadership on a National Security Council meeting on 28 February 1997.

Who is Najmuddin Erbakan?

Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan (29 October 1926 – 27 February 2011) was a Turkish politician, engineer, and academic who was the Prime Minister of Turkey from 1996 to 1997. … Erbakan's political views conflicted with the core principle of secularism in Turkey, culminating in his removal from office.

How does the Turkey government work?

Turkey's political system is based on a separation of powers. Executive power is exercised by the Council of Ministers, which is appointed and headed by the President. Legislative power is vested in the Grand National Assembly. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature.

Who was the leader of the National Order Party?

It was founded on 26 January 1970 by Necmettin Erbakan….National Order Party.

National Order Party Millî Nizam Partisi
LeaderNecmettin Erbakan
FounderNecmettin Erbakan
Founded26 January 1970
Banned20 May 1971

What type of government is Turkey 2021?

The politics of Turkey take place in the framework of a presidential republic as defined by the Constitution of Turkey. The President of Turkey is both the head of state and head of government. Turkey's political system is based on a separation of powers.

Is Turkey a communist country?

Communist Movement of Turkey

Communist Movement of Turkey Türkiye Komünist Hareketi
Membership (2022)1,494
IdeologyCommunism Marxism–Leninism Socialist republicanism Anti-imperialism Euroscepticism Laicism
Political positionFar-left
National affiliationUnited June Movement

Who was the leader of the National Party in 1948?

Following the assassination of Verwoerd, John Vorster took over as party leader and Prime Minister.

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